Rule 25
Yes, you need to follow these principles all the time. Every day, every minute. It’s a way of life. You do it everywhere you go, everything you do. You are “always on”. When recruiters or hiring managers are asking you questions in an interview or over the phone, you wait… and respond. Keep your cool; stay self-possessed. You're the one they all want to hire. Never vocalize aloud your inner timid soundtrack. They can't hear it. Their perception of you is the only valid perception – not your own, possibly damaged self-perception. They don't know you were fired from your job two years ago in a nasty political reorganization that you had nothing to do with. And they'll never know unless you open you mouth. So don't. In the paperback edition, read, and MEMORIZE, pages 121, 122, and 123. I want you to be able to repeat them from memory. If you can't do that, at the very least, re-read them every couple of weeks. It will save you unbelievable amounts of heartburn in your personal and professional life.