Who is The Job Fairy?
There are many Job Fairies. They each specialize in different areas
of technology and employment. With enough training and encouragement,
you could be a Job Fairy too.
Is this website only for women? Can men use it too?
No, and yes! Men are welcome to use it too, but they must also make
the commitment to pass their knowledge along to others. Especially to
women, for whom the opportunities to get into a technical career field
have been limited by the way we traditionally raised girls.
What the heck is it with all that pink, anyway?
It's a carefully calibrated psychological approach based on four
years of research into women's issues at the University of Denver. No,
we're not kidding. Really.
Yes. Drawing from the old BBS tradition, we have a monthly meeting
for those of you located in the Denver, Colorado area.
E-mail us for directions, date/time coordinates, agenda, and speakers.
Why do you hate recruiters?
We don't - not the honest ones, anyway. We even have a couple of
recruiters and hiring managers who advise us on issues. The Colorado job
market is structured so that recruiters are often the only way to
connect people with jobs. We understand that they need to make money off
of our placement with a company - which is fine, as long as they
remember that the more they invest in us, the better they can sell us to
the next client. Neither party is disposable, and both sides need to
keep that in mind.