The following commands are available within the rooms and the dialogue windows:
· /me text - send an "emote" (ex.: /me does whatever)
/msg username text - send a private mesage to a user
· /ignore username - ignore a user (i.e., you don't see his
/unignore username - readmit an ignored user
· /ignorelist - see a list of the users you are ignoring
/away text - automatically notify all users opening a
dialogue with you while you're away
· /away - leave the Away mode
/who roomname - see the list of users in this room
· /whois username - see a user's profile
Operators can additionally use these commands:
· /kick username - throw a user out of a room (abbr.: /k
/kickban username - throw a user out of a room, and keep him
out (abbr.: /kb username)
· /mute username - prevent a user from sending messages in a
/op username - confer op rights on another user
· /deop username - take away another user's op rights
/unban IP-number - readmit a banned IP to a room (for
removing all banned IPs, just enter "/unban *")
· /banlist - see a list of IPs banned in this room