Employment Scams and Deceptive Practices
There are many scams and unscrupulous practices around getting hired.
There are fake job postings in order to acquire valuable personal
information. There are fee-to-hire services where you pay upfront in
order to find a job. You could run into "executive management" or
"executive recruitment" companies that charge thousands of dollars for
no help whatsoever. Unscrupulous people are constantly trying to sell
the desperate or the naive "exclusive" or "inside" information about
where the jobs are, or how to get employed in a particular industry,
such as on cruise ships.
With so much at stake, from mounting bills to possible loss of
housing, some people decide to pay for such information. They're
desperate, and these scammers know that. They prey on people when
they're at their most vulnerable.
Here are some examples of common scams. If you have any others you'd
like us to know about, please drop us a line at