Books To Read
An important part of your professional library
- O'Reilly technical books - these often are the most comprehensive
books on their subject matter. Often, they are better than the
technical manual provided by the vendor. If you visit, they
are listed under Books, Computers and Internet, Best of O'Reilly
section, or from there, you can pick the O'Reilly Store. If you prefer
to get them straight from the publisher, try O'Reilly Books.
- IDG books makes the Dummies series of books - i.e.
Windows for Dummies, Flash for Dummies, Visual C++ for Dummies. They
also make a helpful series of books under the Visual
line, which are a little more advanced. I like their easy step-by-step
approach. Of course, you'll outgrow the books quickly, since they make
it so easy to learn the subject. That's OK. Just bring your Dummies
books to a Job Fairy meeting with you and give them to the newbies. Or
take them to work with you and give them to the women in your office
who are just starting their own IT careers.
- QUE - also makes a comprehensive list of technical books. Most of
the Job Fairies that have system administrator or network engineer
type jobs get
the Que books on the latest operating systems (i.e. NT 4.0,
Windows 2000) and use them until they're dog-eared and coffee stained.
For the technical professional who is serious about getting the job
done right.
- SAMS - has a variety of books on technical subjects - our
favorites are the "Teach yourself (technology goes here) in 21
days" series. Check out the SAMS website for the latest
titles. Available through Amazon as well.
- Exam Cram - if you are trying to pass the MCSE tests, you need to
get these books.
Also available at CompUSA in boxed sets, with a discount.
- Transcenders
- another got to have if you are going to pass the MCSE tests. These
are exams with similar style and content to the real exams you will be
taking. There are 4 levels of difficulty within the practice tests -
once you can blow away the most difficult level, you should be able to
pass the certification tests. Highly recommended.
- MCSE Brain Dump sites - passing the MCSE exam can be difficult. So
there are people out there who have taken the exam, memorized a lot of
the questions, and then posted them on these discussion boards so that
others will know what they're up against. The Job Fairies are not
going to directly link to any of these sites, as Microsoft does not
approve of the practice. However, a lot of people do it, and a lot of
them passed because they knew what questions to expect. We do not
condone or decry the practice. We are simply letting you know that
this is what you're up against, and if you want to search these sites,
you can do a Google search on "mcse brain dump". Why would you go to a
brain dump site if you could use Transcender tests instead? Because at
the time of writing, a MCSE (Windows 4.0) makes about $64K, and a
Windows 2000 MCSE makes $68K and up. If you're not already making in
the mid 60's...
Featured Books
You've seen articles by the author on this site - now buy the book!
Mike Caro, The Book of Tells
Gavin De Becker, The Gift of Fear
Gavin De Becker, Protecting the Gift
Gavin De Becker, Fear Less
Gavin De Becker, Beauty Bites Beast
Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, The Rules
Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, The Rules II
Jodie-Beth Galos and Sandie McIntosh, Firing Back
All Books by Robert Hochheiser
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Art of War
Niccolo Machiavelli, Discourses
The Complete Collection of O'Reilly Technical Books
Sun-Tzu, The Art of War, Karl Von Clausewitz version
Sun-Tzu, The Art of War, Samuel B. Griffith version
The Top 50 Computer Book Titles
If you're an author, and one of your articles has been quoted for
review/analysis in the guest article section, please contact us - we'd
love to link back to your site and feature your latest book.
Corporate Psychology offers a
seminar on Hochheiser in the workplace - "How to Work for a Jerk", "If
You Want Guarantees, Buy A Toaster; Surviving Corporate Change", and its
impact on the corporate environment. How to get ahead, how to keep
others from depth-charging you in the workplace, and figuring out how to
keep your boss out of your hair. See the Events
page for date and time listings.
The Art Of War
Sun-Tzu and the workplace... the wisdom of the ancients is as
applicable now for the modern workplace as it was over 2,000 years ago.
If dealing with co-workers is like facing battle every day, then this
seminar is for you. See the Events page for
date and time listings.
The Prince
Machiavelli's observations on what makes a Prince successful has
direct correlation to aggressive business tactics today. Learn how to
apply them to your own life, or evade them if possible. Pitino's "Success
is a Choice" has nothing on Machiavelli. See the
Events page for date and time listings.
The Rules
There is a version of The Rules for
business; it isn't nearly as successful as the Rules-based theory that
underlies most of A very effective algorithm for dealing
with male and workplace behaviors. It's not anti-feminist to learn The
Rules... you have to know what they are in order to understand when to
observe them and when to honor them in the breach. See the
Events page for date and time listings.