ˇ The Resume Template
ˇ Getting Started
ˇ Your Accomplishments
ˇ Fill In the Template
ˇ Saving as Text
ˇ The Importance of the Keyword Search
ˇ Stupid Email Tricks
ˇ Signing Up for Job Sites
ˇ Keeping a Log of Your Job Sites
ˇ Posting Your Resume to Job Sites
ˇ Further Resume Examples

ˇ The Mechanics of the Job Search, Week 1
ˇ The Mechanics of the Job Search, Week 2... and Beyond
ˇ Handling the Job Offer

The Mechanics

Monday - Saturday, Days 8 - 13:

Sign up for five more sites each day, adding the information to your log. Go to Monster and Dice each day. Respond to all e-mailed job ads. On Saturday, make any additions/corrections as needed. It often takes a week or so to "get into the pipeline" and start getting calls from recruiters and employers. Do not blow off calls from recruiters! Often they have jobs that are not listed publicly. Remember, no matter how many times you have to repeat this step, whenever a recruiter asks how long you've been looking for a job, you are always "just starting" your search. It makes you appear less desperate, and will prevent them knocking another $5,000 off the job they offer you.

Sunday - Day 14:

You have added another thirty sites this week, for a total of fifty-seven. Renew/refresh where necessary, update with newest version of résumé(s) where necessary, and respond to any e-mailed job ads. Repeat days 8 - 14 until you have an acceptable job offer in writing... or, for the truly cautious, until you have spent a week or two at the new job, and you are sure that it's the right job for you. Promises are often made before you hire on that are not kept once they think they "have you". Continuing to refresh resumes and staying in the pipeline can mean the difference between a couple of uncomfortable weeks while you nail down that better opportunity as opposed to several miserable months where you are treated like dirt. It is best to leave a position that is not working out sooner rather than later. I cannot stress how important that is.


Overview Timeline Chart for Job Site Posting
Monster/ Dice
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Note keywords to be updated later
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Note keywords to be updated later
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Visit 5 previous job sites
Note keywords to be updated later
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Visit 10 previous job sites
Note keywords to be updated later
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Visit 15 previous job sites
Note keywords to be updated later
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Visit 20 previous job sites
Note keywords to be updated later
Take list of keywords and update resume
Go to each job site in log (27), update resume
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Visit 25 previous job sites
Note keywords to be updated later
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Visit 30 previous job sites
Note keywords to be updated later
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Visit 35 previous job sites
Note keywords to be updated later
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Visit 40 previous job sites
Note keywords to be updated later
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Visit 45 previous job sites
Note keywords to be updated later
Monster/ Dice
Visit 5 new job sites
Post resumes
Sign up for notifications
Apply to jobs on boards
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Visit 50 previous job sites
Note keywords to be updated later
Take list of keywords and update resume
Go to each job site in log (57), update resume
Respond to e-mailed jobs
Repeat the Week Two cycle as long as necessary.

Proceed to Handling a Job Offer.

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