· The Resume Template
· Getting Started
· Your Accomplishments
· Fill In the Template
· Saving as Text
· The Importance of the Keyword Search
· Stupid Email Tricks
· Signing Up for Job Sites
· Keeping a Log of Your Job Sites
· Posting Your Resume to Job Sites
· Further Resume Examples

· The Mechanics of the Job Search, Week 1
· The Mechanics of the Job Search, Week 2... and Beyond
· Handling the Job Offer

Getting Started

City, State, Zip
Phone number home
Phone number pager or cell
E-mail address
Website URL (optional)

Expertise section: see also

Describe in a brief paragraph what kind of work you like to do, and which skills you enjoy using the most. It need not be a specific job, describe the kinds of work you have done or would do in the future.

Summary of Qualifications section: see also

List 9 - 15 bullet points that describe skills you have, such as team player or customer service, that are not necessarily specific skills. Good place to put things that can't be listed under hardware or software knowledge, and aren't quantifiable enough to be listed as accomplishments under each job section.

Experience section: see also
List for EACH job:
  • Company name
  • Title (functional description, not exact title if it doesn't give much of a clue)
  • Dates worked there (year to year)
  • A list of 10 things that you were responsible for
  • A list of 10 things that you accomplished
Brownie points:

You want to show a gradual progression of responsibility in job titles, or if you held the same job in increasingly bigger companies, you want to show that as well. You want all your job years to mesh, without gaps. When you list what you accomplished, you want to show how you reduced costs (cite dollar amounts), improved efficiency (cite percentages improved), or increased fixed open tickets (cite percentage improved and for how many people).

It is important to show that when you got there things were not so OK but that you improved things by X% just in the time you were there. Use action verbs - avoid using forms of the verb "to be" in conjunction with your other verbs. These will become your bullet points. Show, if possible, that you played well as a team and contributed to great team accomplishment. They won't want to hire a grand-stander, even if they do walk on water.

Don't go back any farther than 10 years, or list any jobs that do not contribute towards the type of position you are seeking (i.e. office manager jobs if you are looking for programmer work), whichever is the most recent (shortest list). If possible, change job title to something generic, such as "contractor", as opposed to a functional job title that doesn't support your objective.

Education and Affiliations section: see also

List all professional seminars, courses, educational institutions, and professional associations that you belong to, most recently attended first, professional associations at the bottom. Do not list religious or personal affiliations. Masons is not OK, Society of Engineers is.

Do not list high school. Do not list years of attendance or graduation from college or GPA (unless 3.5 or better). A college degree is listed as "B.S., Underwater Basketweaving". If you have not yet completed college, list it as "Underwater Basketweaving Studies". Do not list how long you have been a member of anything.

List course titles. If you are a certified anything, list company name, then "Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)". Remember that resumes are now searched by keyword. You want it to come up either way - by word search or acronym. Do not list military service or education.

Professional Skills section: see also

List every single piece of hardware, software, or peripheral product that has anything to do with computers. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Operating systems
  • Applications
  • Hardware platforms
  • Software products
  • Networks - token? Fiber? Ethernet?
  • LANs, WANs, etc.
  • Peripherals
  • Programming languages
  • Databases
  • Office suites
  • Types of computers
  • Printers
  • Cross-platform apps (WinDD, WINE, eXceed, Rumba)

This should get you started on the basic information needed to create a successful resume. Paradoxically, never put too much information into your resume. You only want enough so that they want to call you for an interview. Never, ever, ever, list salary information or references on the resume.

Remember, you don't need to limit your resume to one page anymore, not with the Internet being the most common means of submission. However, 2 - 3 pages is probably the maximum acceptable length. Recruiters and employers search for keywords, and you want to make sure you come up on those searches. Next is making you sound like someone who can contribute to the bottom line for the company right away.

Proceed to Accomplishments and Responsibilities.

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